說說想刺繡工作室 woyi embroidery
「 W O Y I ! 」一隻窩牛一隻豬
膽小與焦慮時會變成一隻窩牛, 還好有脆弱的殼, 雖然膽小但持續前往。 繡線是他們一起走過的痕跡 #膽怯的行動派 晨恩(Amber) & 蕓綺(Wunsing)
著迷於精緻與工整刺繡表現, 以刺繡來說說,以棉絮記錄。 2012開始以刺繡繪畫, 線的材質、股數如繪畫的筆刷, 迷戀刺繡的表與裡, 對齊的表面,是規律的起伏穿刺, 在針法的秩序中,可以體驗到一種循環, 透過不斷重複,不斷意識到每一針的[那一刻], 如同瑜珈的體位,一連串的組成 「針法是固定,但創作是自由的」 刺繡是與五感、心靈的互動, 不只是手指,是全身性的, 頸、脊椎、胸背、手臂、連至臀部, 像是用刺繡在呼吸, 慢慢地體會到,與自己更貼近。 Amber 晨恩
著迷刺繡的觸感質地,以及針起針落的穿刺感, 藉由不同針法的特性,建構出多層次畫面, 針法的特點在於「秩序感」,步驟、順序、針距, 過程中即使只有一針偏了, 整體線條的美感與協調性就會失衡, 刺繡真是一件打磨心性的美好修行, Wunsing 蕓綺
常常需要提起一股勁, 把該完成的課題經歷, 不想下次再換個名字和皮肉處理同件事。 找找看,哪一件能投入真心的事, 打破你的脊椎,踩碎你的皮膚, 或許才能看到自己。 送給還不滿此行的人。 在起心動念裡刺繡-說說刺繡自2024更名為 𓊆 說說想刺繡 𓊇
在教學中一直很注重帶著同學: 學習[觀察], 理解如何靈活運用, 課後也可以是自己的老師, 開始以刺繡繪畫,貼近刺繡的律動。 在實體教學:台北、中壢、新竹、台中、台南, 從教學經驗裡,集結了初學時常見的問題, 以更易理解的方式說明。 帶領同學進入刺繡yoga,體驗刺繡裡的時間。 去感受刺繡的過程,慢慢來,是我們常與同學分享的, 刺繡時,在幾個呼吸的專注裡,都是煦色韶光。 簡歷
Kantcentrum Bobbin Lace
Being fascinated with the delicate and neat presentations
Since 2012, I’ve been depicting with embroidery. I’m fascinated with its form and essence. The aligned surface is a regular undulating puncture. In the order of stitches, I feel it’s an endless circle running like all things on earth. Maybe it’s the healing power of embroidery that I keep working on it over and over again, and I can clearly feel the moment. Like yoga, “the stitches are fixed, but you’re free when you create.” It is an interaction between aesthetics, the five senses and the mind, feeling entirely free. It’s not just moving the fingers but the whole body, I breathe with embroidery. When I’m working on it, I feel that I’m immersing myself in the moment. |
Woyi Embroidery Design Studio is just like daily whisper, we chat by embroidering and record it in cotton.
Since image always represents contemporary culture, and embroidery happens to have a characteristic of "message across".
Combined image with embroidery can emphasize the message we like to convey.
There is a shy piggy named "Show Show" living in "Dream Mountain".
When “Show Show” suddenly get shocked, it will turn into a snail named “Slow Slow”.
Even though “Slow Slow “ has less confident, it never stops moving forward.
Woyi Embroidery Design Studio is just like daily whisper, we chat by embroidering and record it in cotton.
Since image always represents contemporary culture, and embroidery happens to have a characteristic of "message across".
Combined image with embroidery can emphasize the message we like to convey.
There is a shy piggy named "Show Show" living in "Dream Mountain".
When “Show Show” suddenly get shocked, it will turn into a snail named “Slow Slow”.
Even though “Slow Slow “ has less confident, it never stops moving forward.
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